Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Why do cake crack on top & How to prevent it

Antara masalah normal when baking cake..... kan?

Kalo makan sendiri, tak pa la ada crater besar kat kek tu... maybe buleh cover ngan icing ke...ganache ker...

But kalo nak jual? Or nak kasi tetamu ? Takkan nak slice off the top part? Kalo u all mkn tak pa, jgn buang plak.... rugi tau... best part of cake is the crust.

So, here is compilation of few websites mengenai masalah cake dome and cracks on top. For me, I dah jumpa my solutions...
My oven is about my age... which means lama dah..... And it is small oven....

So, small space and big cake (2kg)...will lead to the cake doming and cracking....

1) Distance iron heated ngan top part of the cake dekat.... causing the top part to form a crust too soon, before the whole cake finish cooking/rising.

I cover my cake mixture loosely ngan tin foil.
Jangan rapat airtight punya style plak! Nnt condensation plak.... cake ko jadi pudding plok
Then foil tu, cucuk skit ngan pisau kasi ada lubang2....
Especially when doing cheese cake... (ini petua kakak ipaq I)
Then when the cake dah full rise/masak about 3/4 done, you remove the foil so the top part crust can form without doming or cracking.

Objective here is:
making sure the heat distribution is sama rata....
making sure cake masak sekata... cake almost fully cooked before forming top crust.
Don't let the cake form top crust before cake has fully risen.

There are of course other reasons...
overmixing ... mix sampai all ingredients incorporated ajer
cold mixture telor ke susu dr fridge terus masok dlm adunan.... over masak... check ur cake when cooking, when garfu goes out clean it is cooked... turn off heat immediately, biar dlm oven
tak cukup moisture (esp in cheese cake) ....

So, kalo korang nak check out the full story untuk research, please visit link below... saya malas nak copy paste... nnt kena kata plagiarise kang weih.... but anyways.... you got to try and try... my method may not be suitable for everyone... contoh if u have a big ass Rubine oven berkuasa 100watt ke aper... then u dont have my problems of space kan? But ur cake still cracks? Ini kena check the other reasons above lah...



Anonymous said...

huuih hang perli aku ka?
my oven is always waiting for anyone's convenience..upah apa yg hang masak cukai skit kat aku dah cukup..

Unknown said...

ahahahakss!!!! Muaaks!