Thursday, March 31, 2011

What A Lovely Day...

Late last night, I was serenade by my mom's singing, my kids n hubby singing... Today, terbangun awal becoz my father decided to join too.... Checked my FB whilst I wait for my coffee, saw my MIL's well wishes msg.

I had to repeatedly empty my fon sms memory space, becoz of the the lovely msg from my great old friends.

Life is good. I have no complaints.

I found a lovely poetry about marriage....
I also felt that friends are some people we are married to while makin our way in life... They're always near in my heart (tho not in bed...) so, here's a lovely writing I found while blogwalking.....

Because to the depths of me, I long to love one person,

With all my heart, my soul, my mind, my body...

Because I need a forever friend to trust with the intimacies of me,

Who won't hold them against me,

Who loves me when I'm unlikable,

Who sees the small child in me, and

Who looks for the divine potential of me...

Because I need to cuddle in the warmth of the night

With someone who thanks God for me,

With someone I feel blessed to hold...

Because marriage means opportunity

To grow in love in friendship...

Because marriage is a discipline

To be added to a list of achievements...

Because marriages do not fail, people fail

When they enter into marriage

Expecting another to make them whole...

Because, knowing this,

I promise myself to take full responsibility

For my spiritual, mental and physical wholeness

I create me, I take half of the responsibility for my marriage

Together we create our marriage...
Because of this understanding
The possibilities are limitless.

by Mari Nichols-Haining


mai.. said...

i loooove poetry... nicee..

Juju said...

happy bday buddy!

Unknown said...

Mai, dulu2 tulis sendiri... skang no time daah...

Jue, thanks! Bila nak jumpa citer2 lagi nih