Friday, June 17, 2011

Pack Up And Leave .... Forget Everything

As we grow up, commitments build up... striving for financial stability.. finding what we want to do in life... job in hell... or bosses from hell..... PTPTN making sure the kids has the best we can offer... being a parent... being a daughther/son... being a wife/husband.... being part of the community.. save our planet... pray to God..... natural disaster alert....

I tell you, it never ends.....

Banyak menda dlm pala.... tunggu masa nak nangis aja... or amok.
So, whilst we buat dunno.. try to move on with our daily life... keep moving on... becoz we have to.... lagipon, other people may have it worst... so be thankful....

sekali sekala... have a getaway.... forget everything...... eventhough for a moment.... becoz it will keep you going against the odds, with better focus.

Pack up and leave.... go anywhere...

These pictures are not for showing off anything...

it is juz us, taking a break, appreciating life in front of us....
We may plan ahead, but luck juz wasn't on our side..... so, we thought.....
But things turn out surprisingly pleasant afterall..... so relax.... shit happens, OK.

We got each other...

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