I can't sleep...
One of those insomniac nights... and over active mind thinking about an incident I had that made me soooo worried, scared and grateful for being able to write this down as a reminder manner instead of a "Have U seen my kid?" manner
So, before I tell you the incident that made me shudder juz at the mere thought of it.... I need to reiterate how imparative/important and madly VITAL to keep your kids nearby, have eagle eye point of view of them AND also the surrounding environment near them.
Be aware of who else is near and watching them too!!!
Scan the perimeter, ok folks?
I know a lot of people disagree use of child leash, " Kesian, mcm anjing la" ... but now, to hell with that!
I know for a fact SAFETY is MORE important! Lantak mcm anjing ke ko nak kata, I am going to buy that leash and USE IT!
Dun let your kids go thru this xprience! |
Because when your 2 kids start running opposite ways in a crowded mall, I do not want to be stuck in a predicament of which one do I go after 1st.... which one should I save first?
Now after this, dun u dare ask me "isyk, kesian la... anak2 ko pakai leash plak" unless you want me to tell you, "Mind your own kids!" in an angry manner. Dah kasi amaran awal2 ya.....
OK, so here the story ... where I am SO thankful I am not in a situation of having to stick poster around town to find my missing child.
I was in M'ca town... wanting to go back KL, but had car problems and hence had an extended stay. So, to kill time whilst waiting for hubby to come back.... I decided to take my 4 and 2.5 year old kids to Dataran P*hlawan nearby our hotel. For those who have kids these age, would know how energetic and excited kids can be... especially when dad isnt around. I didn't have a leash... I held their hands, carried a backpack for their milk supplies. I did sumhow had troubles when they let go my hand and decide to run freely in the mall. I was cought in a situation where one bolted, run away like lipas kudong, and the other decide it was play time and run the opposite way. Luckily the mall wasn't packed with people, it was still early. I got away... we we're reunited. So, I thought maybe I could push my luck and take the kids to watch movie. We went and check the schedule, unfortunately the next show was an hour ahead. I thought, nevermind.... can kill time at the arcade in front of G5C....
So, the arcade had not many kids around.... it was clean and had a lot of games. I took them on a bus ride.... we then race each other at the Daytona.... then played basketball.... then the kids decides they want to play their own games.... running, separating themselves....
There wasn't many people, so I thot it wasnt that dangerous, I was getting my guards slack....
But, I decided a game at the DanceMania Duo might get both of them happy at the same place....
A teenager boy nearby the DanceMania started to look at my kids dancing away.... he was about 16-19 years old, wore a dark green t-shirt, and a dark colored pants. He had BO. He acted that he was interested in the DanceMania sound system, then parked himself nearer Aqid's cubicle to watch him dance. I was thinking it was normal for people to see kids happy jumping around.... he waited until the game stopped. Aqid went for the TimeCrisis(TC) gun.... Fea wanted to play the fight machine opposite TC...
OK, fine... then the same teenage boy came over, to the other TC gun and mock played with Aqid. I was still fine by it... just friendly kid maybe..... Aqid decided he didn't want to play pulak, turned back to join his sister....
THEN a grown man suddenly came from behind me and squat down to Aqid's level in front of me.... he put his hand around Aqid, so my son couldn't get away... he acted as if he was being playful, tried to kiss my son's cheek! By this time, I was shocked, cought unaware of the sudden unexpected stranger coming behind me.. and now invading my son's private space! Aqid normally is a very happy, extrovert and extremely friendly kid. BUT this time, he was scared, he kept shaking his head, said NO! NO!....
I was beginning to panic, thinking would it be wise to just grab my kids and haul ass outta there, would anyone come to help if I yelled help??
But, I didn't. Maybe I should....
Instead I just stood my ground, watch the grown up man in dark blue jacket and pants scooped my son who was going away and put him on a chair next to Fea. I didn't put the token in, so the demo was playing over and over again.... they stood closely to my son... the grown up man next to Aqid, the teenager boy behind Aqid... I had no choice but to stand behind Fea, next to teenager boy.... their seat was 2 feet away.
All of us was crowding, much TOO close for comfort for a bunch of strangers, watching at a lame demo playing over and over again....
MY GOD, it felt like an eternity waiting for them to leave... THEY DIDN"T!!! They fussed over Aqid again, not talking at all... . They completely ignored Fea... odd.
I was scared.... it felt downright not right from the moment he tried to hug and kiss Aqid.
I told the kids we had to go see movie now. (the kids will not oblige if I didn't say that, they would wail and persist to stay)...
The older man tried to stall me, insisting Aqid to shake his hand before leaving.. which Aqid refused ( i could sense he was scared of those men) forced Aqid to kiss his hand... the teenager boy insisted as well... I was pulling the kids away...
He finally open his mouth ...started asking where I where I stayed....
I knew he was certainly not friendly, he was just syaitan bertopengkan manusia... and had intentions of harming us!!!
thank GOD, the kids magically obeyed.. and I practically dragged them down the escalator. I was heading for the lift.....
BUT I turned back... instinct kicked in, and I choose to use the escalator... so I was not in secluded area where a LOT of things could go wrong. I kept looking back if they were following me.... then everything was getting clearer...
I think those 2 people were watching us.... they were juz waiting for the right moment.
They must have known each other. They were both side by side playing a game. They were watching how I had let the kids run,trying the games one by one.
They were already targeting us to a cubicle we were in was not visible to public in 2 angles..... there was a back entrance nearby if they suddenly wanted to escape and kidnapped my son. I was an bloody idiot for not realizing it earlier....
Now that I am at home, playing back the incident again and again..... I feel sick.... I feel violated & stupid...
I cannot even imagine if I had lost them.
The man had foreign accent... they look very tanned Asian.. had very bad case of BO. U can say I'm paranoid, but I know they were up to no good.
All I can say, I'll probably think 3-4-5 times to take the kids out on my own now...May not be able to handle it anymore. AND I am gonna get a leash for them.
So, I hope this entry may help some one out there.... do spread the words.
Dun let the N*rin tragedy happen to anyone. Be aware of your surroundings, it may help others.