** UPDATED : In spirit of Ramadhan, most money from the SALE below will be use to buy food and donated to orphanage and the poor. So, enjoy the SALE, best VALUE for money and bersedekah at the same time. Insyaallah.
**UPDATED: To be fair, and avoid dissappoinments sebab ada few kwn ask for same items, Lin mintak RM100 as booking fee ya.
Di sini Lin nak habaq... kami nak buat moving out sale pada sapa yg interested nak beli super affordable used electrical items and furniture.
Harganya mmg very murah, cuma condition is CASH term and own transportation, tu ajer.
And barang kena amik di Kota Damansara before 18 Sept 2011. Tuan rumah baru nak masok dah.
Other standard SALE T&C is :
non refundable or exchangeable
Antara main stuff to let go is :
Fridge SHARP 2 pintu (Height - 5 kaki) (SOLD TO JU)
Condition : Functional with NO problems. Exterior ada sticker butterfly tattoo budak2 yg comel (:P)
Interior - one inner shelf has cracked
Dining table kayu, 4 chairs
Condition : A lil bit of shallack, good as new.. buleh resell lagi mahai....
PICS to be advise
Washing machine National Top loader, (SOLD TO AIDA)
brapa kg saya pon tak sure la....
Fully automatic. Microcomputer control, button senang figure out guna, kiranya user friendly...
Top cover hinge kiri patah, masih buleh tutup n buka, stand.
Leather sofa 3 seater X 2 + coffee table
Leather seat dah pudar, kayu in excellent condition. Tukar cover, mmg cun. Design dia modern contemporary
Ada better pics masa letak kat living roo, tak jumpa plak
ini dah kena masok storeroom |
Stove masak 3 cooker, oven bawah
1 of the stove, starter dah rosak... kn pakai nyala mancis/manual starter gun dulu... Takder karat paper... Dun worry
RM150 (tong gas tak termasok)
Wardrobe Dewasa, 3 pintu (SOLD TO JUE)
Still OK, ada kunci asal lagi
Cabinet kecik 2 pintu (SOLD TO JUE)
OK, ada selak lagi, takot budak2 suka main pintu.
Katil frame, wrought iron & solid wood queen
Tilam tak da ya... Lin dah kasi kat org furniture (nyesal lak)
Katil frame, iron & solid wood single
Lin kasi sekali ngan tilam spring, jgn risau tilam elok lg... sapa kenal Lin ni kan cicak kubing jer, tak terjejas pon spring tu.
Cabinet/showcase TV
Apa accessories, TV, bedak, pampers not included hahah. |