Monday, August 15, 2011

Spice Rice & Braised Lamb

Char grill the lamb first.
After several days of makan roti, mee Ibumie, bihun PAMA... order Domino... akihirnya last week dapor Lin kembali berasap.... to celebrate the joy of hubby comin home safe.... aku pon masak nasik ala2 briyani but minus the susu sejat or yoghurt...etc... barang2 tak cukop... so kita belasah panggil spice rice, sebab tak cukop sifat utuk layak panggei ns briyani.

For the laok lak... aku cilok resepi braised lamb shank dari her World... modify skit supaya sesuai nak makan with Nasi.... kiranya aku fusionkan recipe western and asian kan ckit...

1 comment:

Juju said...

MELELeh ayaq liuq akuuuuuuu