Monday, September 13, 2010

Simple Winged Eyeliner

Nowadays, I love wearing liquid eyeliners. Dulu2, tak berani coz tangan tak steady lagi... jadi pakai pencil eyeliner aja.... BUt this won't last as long as waterproof liquid type. You start to rub your eyes, becoz contact lens tak comfy ke apa, then abis la comot. And it is less defined (more natural though) than using liquid...

Anyway, aku slalu top it with loads of eyeshadow... which end up being too made up for just everyday go jalan look. Slalu sangat glam karang, biler ari special dah tak da ooopmh. So stakat nak pi Tesco, kena la tone down skit... So, aku found this video... pemakaian eyeliner yg simple tanpa bayak layering eyeshadow )compared to TiffanyD video)... tp still menarik perhatian bcoz of the winged tip (ekor line panjang ala2 cleopatra)

Courtesy what is your hobby?