Do you experience one of those days, malas nak masak... tp nak makan... tapi tanak kluar beli. Jadi, korang masak all in one punya laok..? Which means d main laok (ayam/daging ker) sekali with sayor..sekali wiv telor?
Ini ler taktik aku nak cram 2 laok in one dish... Nasib baik dapat laki yang tak cerewet... ALhamdullilah.... ENtahlah, aku rasa tahun ni puasa amat mencabar, terasa tak larat bagaikan budak baru posa.... lotih gilo. Adakah ini menandakan aku menghampiri usia emas?
Then, tetiba... tekak ni terasa nak makan ayaq herbal ala Linda (again!?).... Ni aku saja nak perabih longan kering... Hang pa pernah minum tak? Ayaq longan kering rebus ngan kurma merah (cina), plus winter melon gula, sago, gula merah & kembang semangkok? Tak pernah?? Itu sebab aku reka resipi tu....aje.
Rasanya mcm lencinkang mata kucing herba.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Ayaq Sarbat Anak Mami
Bahan2Nya :
Pandan 5 helai (nak ikat simpol tocang ker, nak kerat2 2 inch ke pon buley)
6 biji bunga cengkih, 1 kayu manis 2 inch
1 1/2 kilo gula
Ayaq satu periok
Ibu sirap (aku guna cap Yakin, buleh dibeli kat Tesco) Pakai use takok ukuran kat botoi tu for 1 portion.
1 capfull of ros essence cap Star Brand kot
Campor all bahan kat atas except gula, boil panas, then only add sugar.
After the gula hancor, pandan dah layu... wait a while then turn off fire. Masa membior larutan sejok, angkot kluar kayu manis. NNt overdose rasa kayu manis plaks.
Next day minum baru best.
Pandan 5 helai (nak ikat simpol tocang ker, nak kerat2 2 inch ke pon buley)
6 biji bunga cengkih, 1 kayu manis 2 inch
1 1/2 kilo gula
Ayaq satu periok
Ibu sirap (aku guna cap Yakin, buleh dibeli kat Tesco) Pakai use takok ukuran kat botoi tu for 1 portion.
1 capfull of ros essence cap Star Brand kot
Campor all bahan kat atas except gula, boil panas, then only add sugar.
After the gula hancor, pandan dah layu... wait a while then turn off fire. Masa membior larutan sejok, angkot kluar kayu manis. NNt overdose rasa kayu manis plaks.
Next day minum baru best.
Wantan Goreng
Untuk my friends who have asked for the recipe, here you go ;
Bahan2nya ;
2 peket wantan skin (buleh beli kat Giant section barang sejok seperti mee, taufu jepon)
1 peket ayam or daging kisaq
Semangkok isi udang yg dikerat kecik2 (optional)
1/2 mangkok daun bawang di potong haluih
1/2 mangkok cendawan kering(direndam ayaq panas & potong haluih)
1/2 mangkok carrot yang dihiris haluih
2 sudu besar soya sauce cair
Garam & gula secukop rasa
Lada puteh sikit
1 sudu besar tpt jagung & 1 sudu kecik sesame oil
Bahan dicingcang haluih:
Bawang puteh 4-5 ulas
Young ginger 1 1/4 inci
Campak semua bahan di atas dlm bekas, gaul rata.
Kasi perap few hours. Then amik sudu sudu kecik tarok atas wantan skin, bungkus.
**Secret bahan tidak dinyatakan untuk menjaga resipi turun temurun laki aku.
Kalo nak simpan inside fridge, pastikan korang tabor tpg gandum supaya wantan yg dah dibungkus tak melekat wiv each other. Aku suka pre-pack cam ni, so bila laki mintak/org dtg .. senang grg terus.
Bahan2nya ;
2 peket wantan skin (buleh beli kat Giant section barang sejok seperti mee, taufu jepon)
1 peket ayam or daging kisaq
Semangkok isi udang yg dikerat kecik2 (optional)
1/2 mangkok daun bawang di potong haluih
1/2 mangkok cendawan kering(direndam ayaq panas & potong haluih)
1/2 mangkok carrot yang dihiris haluih
2 sudu besar soya sauce cair
Garam & gula secukop rasa
Lada puteh sikit
1 sudu besar tpt jagung & 1 sudu kecik sesame oil
Bahan dicingcang haluih:
Bawang puteh 4-5 ulas
Young ginger 1 1/4 inci
Campak semua bahan di atas dlm bekas, gaul rata.
Kasi perap few hours. Then amik sudu sudu kecik tarok atas wantan skin, bungkus.
**Secret bahan tidak dinyatakan untuk menjaga resipi turun temurun laki aku.
Kalo nak simpan inside fridge, pastikan korang tabor tpg gandum supaya wantan yg dah dibungkus tak melekat wiv each other. Aku suka pre-pack cam ni, so bila laki mintak/org dtg .. senang grg terus.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Buffet Posa ? Or just pasar mlm
Eversince aku jadi fulltime hsewife... jarang lagi beli food kat bazar ramadhan or pergi buffet hotel mcm zaman kerja dulu2. I dun miss the bazar that much becoz dok tringat betapa rakusnya org berniaga ni up price makanan, kalo sedap tak apa... ini rasa nyer mcm tah hape2... anak sedara aku masak kot lagi sedap... Kadang2 dok tawaf 2-3 kali pon tatau nak beli apa bwk balik....
Smlm, joint ler hamba allah ni ... pergi buffet kat tpt agak prestige.. Sult@n Pahang pon ada berbuka bersama (kat private dining area la kan).... ksian pak polis dok langut tunggu kat parking lot. Lagi syok aku first time naik coach/buggy dr parking lot ke tpt restoren mkn.... rasa nak terpelanting kluor pon ada bila depa korner lipat. Rambot aku tok sah citer la, habis cantik set kat umoh.. sampai aje kat karpet merah dah jadi mcm pompuan sewel tak mandi sbulan.
Anyways, pi la masok nak mkn. Umat punya la ramai hurung gerai/food station nyer. Aku pon pi la survey sambil kilik anak. ALAHAIIII..... aku rasa pi makan kat pasar mlm pon lagi pueh ati. Mee/kueytiaw gorengnyer lebih kurang standard aje... Kambing panggang kecik, mana nak cukop 1000 org mkn?? Yang lain emmmmh... tak yah citer, stakat cucoq grg... aku buat lagi best. Apa la punya menu ni?
Harga bayaq mungkin la tak setanding Legend ke hotel mana yang sampai RM90 per pax.... but c'mon la. Depa ni punya buat duit giller... 1000 x RM65=RM65000.... takkan sekoq jer kambing? Takkan nasi puteh n nasi tomato with 2-3 main dish aje? Takkan dessert hanya coklat kek yg standard t3sco buat lagi elok ... with pudding & agar yg mcm pakai instant kotak mai aje? Apa bende la nak jadi...
Aku dok pkiaq... pi amik RM50 mkn kat pasaq mlm pon lagi pueh ati.
Sesi Try Barang Baru

Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Lasagna Lazat :P
Hubby loves lasagna... i'm more of spaghetti lover. And I like making things from scratch... cuma kdg2 u need xpress, kena la pakai instant like Preggo's ke apa... So, I found out using these simple combinations base foundation of a spaghetti/lasagna sauce gives a really nice result. Firstly, double concentrated Tomato Puree from Tesco. Murah tapi baguss. chewah. This gives the sauce a very nice reddish hue to it. And a nice sharp tomato taste. Bukan mcm sos tomato maggi tu tau!
Then, you need mixed herbs for the meat sauce. Beli jer yang loose packed kat bakery... tak yah beli Mc'Cormicks. Mahal... this one is less than RM3. Murah glller kan? For that zing, add nutmeg powder skit. As for the cheese sauce... i love adding basil. OK, aku mintok maaf... gamba lasagna tak sempat diupload... telah habis dibaham dah... Next time yaa.... Jange mare...
Then, you need mixed herbs for the meat sauce. Beli jer yang loose packed kat bakery... tak yah beli Mc'Cormicks. Mahal... this one is less than RM3. Murah glller kan? For that zing, add nutmeg powder skit. As for the cheese sauce... i love adding basil. OK, aku mintok maaf... gamba lasagna tak sempat diupload... telah habis dibaham dah... Next time yaa.... Jange mare...
Monday, August 23, 2010
Testing New Product In Progress - Skin Care
I am not blessed wiv flawless skin... i struggled with acne during highschool, struggled wiv oily dark burnt skin in UNI days, struggled wiv dry wiv minor wrinkles during working days (due to stress & madly cold office)... then bila pregnant, i got back to pimply skin.... sigh. Without makeup, you can see a lot of pimple/acne scar.
I have tried a sea of skin care products from cheap to expansive.. Clean & Clear ke, Clinique ke, Estee ke, Bella ke, L'Oreal ke.... when you first try it for 1st month... mmg rasa OK. After a while, mcm the skin jadi kebal and no longer giving that glowing look. So, i'm the type that don't stay faithful to skincare products at all. My recent woes is that my RM400 face cream was giving me pimples around the temples (pelipis dahi).. it was getting to rich for my face. I downgraded to lighter Garnier Aqua Defense RM16.90 cream, less volcanoes.. but still ada lil bukit2 kecik. With two kids around, I no longer have the luxury of putting on my regime of skincare. Sehari basoh muka skali pon dah kira nasib baik. Hence, my face is retaliating by producing more sebum to compensate the dry skin. hence the appearance of my long time enemy, askar jahat bernama pimple.
So, I read Women Weekly.. V*Chy was getting rave reviews. Tgk kat farmasi G8uardian... oii, mahai gaks! Yesterday, jln2 nampak ada trial unit for RM29 jer. Apa lagi... cuba la. Not bad result... let's see how it goes.
Whoever got petua for 30's pimple woes, sila khabor yer....
Note to self ; must finish the facial session at Bella b4 raya. Baju raya tak der tak pa, muka must be ready for Raya!
Digi Broadband In Kota Damansara
I know C+elcom broadband signal ain't good here in my apartment... but who's tried DIGI broadband? Ada OK tak? For now, my W8Max is serving its purpose at RM99 per month....
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Intriguing Indonesia & Party In Phuket
Thanks again to Mr. Tony F, for the recent, AirAsia zero fare promotion... me & my husband manage to get two trips at a madly affordable price.
We chose to go to Bandung June next year, becoz everybody who goes there says it is a shopper's haven. Apparently a lot of designer material are fabricated in Bandung area. That means a lot of reject branded apparels are sold at a fraction of its original price. We're talking Roberto Cavalli, POLO, Zara stuff here... designer jeans that worth thousands of dollars sold at few hundred bucks only. And the defect is very minimal... if u are lucky. So, that's our shopping adventure next June...
Since this will be purely shopping, not sight seeing trip... we'll be travelling at minimal requirement. That means cheapest hotel & transportation nearest to the shopping hole. hahhaha. Shop till you drop and balik.
Not bringing kids, as we were advised by peaple who have been there that is is not kid friendly place.
Next trip is PHUKET!! This is purely hunnymoon trip to rekindle what we've forgotten along our busy life. Adoooi, korang tak hingat ker, my last hunnymoon trip end up a fiasco? Rujuk entry lama about langkawi.
Anyway, this trip pulak is in July 2010. Belom plan which hotel... where to go... but again, we're simple people who enjoy life's simplicity at its best... hence backpacking adventure again. Since Phuket is known for its nightlife, I'm bringin my LBD there. heheh. Let's hope this does not coincide with 'that time of the month' again. If you have any tips of what NOT to miss in Phuket, drop a comment ya. Thanks!
Tringin Lamb Gakk
My old fren zaman skolah rendah dulu just celebrate her 3 anniversary... so, si Jue ni took leave and cook a galore of food... antara my favorite lak tu.... lamb chop!
Chehh... buat aku terlioq aja.... aku nak upload gamba lambchop aku, but ntah kenapa... asyik fail aja.... so nnt ajerla korang tgk gambaq no
Hmmm... lamb ni mmg my fav... curry ke, masak omputeh ker stew grill, mmg cedap... My hubby loves Tony R*mma's ... to me presentation mmg best, but i just dun like western bbq sauce.... bcoz of the tomato base. Prefer a-la teriyaki sauce or italian herb base.
Haaa... lamb cutlet yg paling succulent pernah aku rasa is the one at La Bodega Bangsar... fuhhh... moist & flavourfull. Mau tak nya, prime cut sepinggan ada 3 ketoi aja... satu ketoi RM20.
Lamb ni tak leh overcook... satgi dia jadi keras n tough. Rasanya yg unik pon akan ilang... Kalu salah masak, marinade tak cukop harakat... then your lamb meat is gonna that meaty, goaty taste. Ilang selera you!
Nak pilih daging pon biasa la, kena cari yg pink kaler & velvety touch. Hak yang dah warna dark red mcm beli kat Tesco tu, maknanya daging tu dah lama frozen. Then kalau dia byk air lebihan kat polysterene tu pon maksod daging tu dah kena defrost n freeze balik few times.
Satu lagi tip kalo nak grill/sautee lamb, make sure the lamb meat is dry, jgn dok berayaq semacam pergi campak kat kuali/grill pan... satgi dia kluaq steam lebih... nnt hang jenoh goreng pon takkkan dapat that beautiful grill brown kaler. Jadi grey ajer.
As usual, I have trouble uploading pics at the moment... hang pa layan website ni la for more info ;
Recipe interesting to try ? Recipe Kambing Chop Enc. Jamie
Tata... have a great weekend (I'm still trying to recover from cold & fever)
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Ceriter Pasai Pregnant No.2
Since I got time now, nak ceriter pasai kisah smlm... all the family couldnt sleep last nite, dr balik from my mom's place, round kol 12mlm... till almost 5 am.
Satu nangis, dua2 nangis... satu parent hangin.. dua2 jadi hantu. All becoz si Adik tak leh tidor kena gigit nyamok. This kid if kena gigit nyamok, bengkak mcm kena gigit tebuan! Bengkak giler... The first time tgk, we all dok pikiaq sakan.. budak ni kena apa? Fracture ke apa. Then only tahu dia ni super sensitif to mosquito bite... dah la bengkak for few days, he will scratch until luka besar. & paling tak tahan he cannot sleep. Ya allah, merengek satu mlm!... which is why me & my MIL very obsessed about mosquito repellent & spray.
Calamine lotion, MoPIKO, antihistamine meds mesti stock up for him.
The I remembered, few days before I went into labour masa pregnant Aqid, I suffered this unexplainable itchiness yg maha terok.. tido pon tak leh. I guess tak tahu camana nak explain, this was indication of Aqid akan mengalami hypersensitive skin jugak agaknyaa.... Masa Fea, tak der plak mende gini happen.... in fact, Sofea has the toughest skin. Senang giler bounce back, if she has rashes. Satu hari dah ilang... no scar.
Apa plak citer korang time pregnant?
Money vs Happiness
I've said, money can't buy happiness. But it sure makes shopping a lot happier. haha...
As you know I quit IT world to be with the kids. Today, I received another call from a esteemable IT distribution company to join 'em. A nice position too... but I declined, just in a heartbeat. I know I may whine about taking care of kids is hard job, sumtimes... but no. Dun think I'm going back in that field.
Here's a pic of Sofea and me playing with the webcam, when everything else dah boring nak buat.
As you know I quit IT world to be with the kids. Today, I received another call from a esteemable IT distribution company to join 'em. A nice position too... but I declined, just in a heartbeat. I know I may whine about taking care of kids is hard job, sumtimes... but no. Dun think I'm going back in that field.
Oprah show on TV today, incidently was about this lady who was a top manager in a bank, took a 90% pay cut to a be a trapeze. She said it made her much happier and healthier than a deskjob. A lot of ppl may say, gilo apo pompuan nih? But, I understand what she was feeling. The feeling of freedom, for my self. Cuba tgk org kampong, anak ramai gila, umah kecik, most of things are minimal... but they're still happy. There's a lot of other things in life than money, bills...etc. Simplicity...
So, I told the lady that I was taking a break from IT world to undertake my own business at the moment. She said, you're planning to come back to IT right? mmmmm....
I've gotten out of the box, the rat race... have you?
Here's a pic of Sofea and me playing with the webcam, when everything else dah boring nak buat.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Coping Along
I sure suck at being a mom! Sometimes I'm scared of having another child, mana tahu they end up screwed up beyond repair becoz of me. Dun wan to go down history of being the mom to ... the world most heinous crime commited by man or sumthing to that tune.
Anyways, satu anak pon aku struggling to cope, now with 2 kids.. I am going bonkers. My worst fear is I am ruining their childhood with my lousy mothering skills. Kadang2 I terpikir to get a job so I can run away from the blame of 'tak reti jaga anak'. At least can point finger kat daycare. Terok kan.
Well, the Ramadhan is sure testing me to the limits this time. I hope I can survive... (so will the kids)
Then of course, the issue of working at home. I thought it was going to be easy... I mean, it is easy compared to 9-5 job... but time management is key, which i yet to learn to get it. Soon, insyallah. Nonetheless, I am so thankful with what I have now, time with the kids... with my loving husband. & hopefully the company will soar to where we hope it to be. Insyallah.
Lastly, here's some photos of the kids which seems to color my world with magic;
Anyways, satu anak pon aku struggling to cope, now with 2 kids.. I am going bonkers. My worst fear is I am ruining their childhood with my lousy mothering skills. Kadang2 I terpikir to get a job so I can run away from the blame of 'tak reti jaga anak'. At least can point finger kat daycare. Terok kan.
Well, the Ramadhan is sure testing me to the limits this time. I hope I can survive... (so will the kids)
Then of course, the issue of working at home. I thought it was going to be easy... I mean, it is easy compared to 9-5 job... but time management is key, which i yet to learn to get it. Soon, insyallah. Nonetheless, I am so thankful with what I have now, time with the kids... with my loving husband. & hopefully the company will soar to where we hope it to be. Insyallah.
Lastly, here's some photos of the kids which seems to color my world with magic;
Friday, August 13, 2010
Puasa Dulu, Puasa Skarang
Susah skit nak buat post baru la ni, as both toddlers dudok ngan I skang ni. kalut gila I tell you, ngan nak tepon supplier lagi.
Anyways, pagi ni sahor.. terpikir tak sabar tunggu budak2 ni besar, buleh gerak depa sahor skali, layan krenah liat posa, tolong2 mommy buat kueh ker, msk for berbuka ker.... Ini smua kenangan aku sendiri masa kecik, posa with my mom n dad... thrill posa tau, byk event of the year. Coz of the waiting berbuka, once a year buleh tolong mama buat kueh tart crispy favorite our family. Then... tunggu end of the ramadhan, dapat habuan frm Abah coz berjaya posa penoh. Mmg event yg amat ditunggu lah. Belom masok citer raya... but Raya tu few days jer yg meriah, after dat balik asai.... Ramadhan lain skit.... suddenly all the food yg jarang tringin.. tetiba rasa nak mkn. Then of course... kad raya. Mak aihhh.... duduk sebelah meja kat kelas pon kasi kad.... hahhaha. But isn't that a thrill too? Perangai pon, maintain baik jer.... Then, of coz.. baju raya, pi Jln TAR shopping kasot raya... sanggup ikot mama, walhal diri dah rasa lemau giler...
Another activity is membelek mercun n bunga api, countdown bila buleh main...
Now, thrill dia dah tak cam dulu... point of view skarang is ... well. Aku pon tak tahu nak explain, but more on making sure spritual level. & commitment to family... that sort of things. Baju raya all that aku dah tak rasa penting lagi.... and my kids still kecik, tak reti appreciate ... so i think tak yah la baju, kasot, langsir raya la
I think spending quality time ngan my kids, my hubby, my parents, my sis, my in laws & beloved friends lagi penting. bab agama, aku tak reti nak ulas, diri pon masih belajar nak cukop kan semayang 5 waktu.
Itu jer la for now, aku ada appointment nak tidorkan my kids. Later nak masak sambai tumih udang... insyallah.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Craving for Color X-periment
As long as I could remember, I always love makeup. Dulu2 kecik2 tak der makeup, aku blasah kaler pencil my sister cap Luna tu. Nasib baik ler tak buta dek chemical ker aper.
So, taksubnyer ngan makeup, walau takder event ker occasion ker... aku akan experiment makeup sendiri. Kalu ader member sanggup offer muka, aku pon cuba la. But la ni, dah ader anak(S)... susah skit nak curi masa buat experiment ni... and therefore, skill pon akan kureng ler tanpa practice. Aku tak sabar tunggu si Fea ni besor skit... buleh la main makeover ngan dia. Sumtimes, kalu I start making up to go outing ke apa, mesti mek kecek tu mintok "ipstick, ispstick!" "Eyes, Eyes!" sambil tunjuk kat mata dia mintak aku tonyoh eyeshadow ker lipgloss ke. But, again... aku tak nak ler encourage sgt... karang nak gi skoloh pon nak galok make ploks. Stakat main2 ajer, Ok la.
owh, rindunya nya bermain2 warna bersama brg make up kesayangan ku... So nak ilang rindu, aku pon arrange kasi spring cleaning aje la make up box aku tu... kalo tak bersepah2... 1/2 kat beg anak aku buat main, setengah kat dlm handbag...for adhoc moments....
Aku ni tak faithful sangat bab brand, bcoz all ader their own strength and every new product akan improve dr segi pigment ker, staying power ker & paling penting kesesuaian pd kulit sendiri. Eyeshadow prolly good to invest in higher range of brand bcoz pigment tu penting. Cheaper range cam M*ybelline ke, In2It ker kurang pigment, hence warna tak brapa menyerlah pada kulit org asia cam kita (sawo matang ler)..... Tapi kalo tools lain cam brow pencil, liquid liner, lipstick... itu I find cheaper brands are as good as too. So wat per waste on that, when resuls dia sama aja, kan?
Mascara plak, I think most penting is the brush. I love Ch*nel, becoz dia can look natural giler, or even dramatic giler when u layer it. Kalo pakai cheaper brand pon OK, for everyday use... but dia nyer effect tak sebest Ch*nel. L*ancom pon ok la. Aku rasa smua major brand aku try, slalu dpt freebies dulu2... so ELauder ke, Cliniq*e ker... is reasonably effect nyer ala2 mid range brand ajer.
Haaa... now most important tool is foundation/bedak.concealer.... yang ni aku masih looking around. Dulu I was so in love with Shis*ido punya powder foundation... pergh, ini mmg pueh ati... natural giler, n if amik gambar mmg nampak flawless... then they discontinue that range, ganti new range... cina promoter tu kata, ini sama, better... I tried... but keciwa. I wasn't happy at all. Geram. Then, I tried la mcm2 dr Cliniqu* to Bobbi... tapi for now, I'm content with STAG*... effect dia OK n paling aku suka is the price... dia cheaper than the rest. Mungkin sebab dia local kot. Concealer for now aku slalu guna Bobbi, but dah nak abis, kebetolan Si STAG* ada promo, i'm trying they all pnya plaks... OK ler, but not staying power tak lama.
Satu aja brand aku tak coba lagi... MEK... ahahaha.... mahai bebenor.... but 1 day... hopefullly.
Uuiihh.. aku ni kalo bab citer make up ni sambil 2011 pon tak abis... sebelom korang mati bosan, baik aku stop. Kang ada plak baling tin cat ijau kat pintu ker apa...
Monday, August 2, 2010
Going potty
No, I am not a pothead. Just dat waking up several times, just when you're about to doze off... can be ..quite sakit jiwa. My darling girl in process of potty training. She doesn't wear diaper during the day except nap time & when she goes to sleep at night. Aku ni pemalas, hence do not want to risk bed wetting. Rumah apartment cek ooi... mana nak hang dry tilam lembab? & main reason of again, aku tanak bergelumang wiv urine smelling bedsheet & bedroom yg boleh membuatkan aku bertukar jadi singa lapor. Which is why she still pakai diaper at nite... terok kan?
The diaper doesn't get soiled at all, but it does get loose n worn out after several times opening, fastening the reattachble straps whenever she wakes up to go to the loo.
& she goes to the loo.. at least 5 times (between 10pm-2am)... then only she will sleep peacefully. I'm thankfull she's learning to go potty, but yeah.... patience does run thin once in a while. Tak pa la... dia nak makesure her tank betoi2 empty kot, b4 tidoq.
So, another point of my story is the mangled up diaper. Dok terpikiaq nok hamik dryper drypantz.... then again... I thought why not beli cloth diaper terus? Tahan lama... cost effective, reusable... apa lagi?
The diaper doesn't get soiled at all, but it does get loose n worn out after several times opening, fastening the reattachble straps whenever she wakes up to go to the loo.
& she goes to the loo.. at least 5 times (between 10pm-2am)... then only she will sleep peacefully. I'm thankfull she's learning to go potty, but yeah.... patience does run thin once in a while. Tak pa la... dia nak makesure her tank betoi2 empty kot, b4 tidoq.
So, another point of my story is the mangled up diaper. Dok terpikiaq nok hamik dryper drypantz.... then again... I thought why not beli cloth diaper terus? Tahan lama... cost effective, reusable... apa lagi?
Cuma aku dok fenin nak beli mana brand... ada yg RM55 (delivery +RM10 )... ada yg murah cap coolababy RM30 pon ada.... Pilih Lin, jgn tok pilih!
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