U ols pernah pergi survey discussion tak? Sapa yang nak buat quick money RM150-RM200 for your time (2jam) after work kat area HP Towers.... sila contact aku ..... Here's the criteria of survey people they're looking for ;
Group A (Thurs, 6/1/11 at 6.30pm)
- Must have homes in Puchong & Cheras (own home not parents or rented)
- House value equal or less than RM 299,000.00 - Bungalow (2), Semi-D(2), Terrace(3), Condo(3)
- Mixture of new homeowners (6 months or less) & old homeowners (stayed more than 6 months)
- Spent a min of RM 150.00 on household products in the past 2 months
- Purchased at least 3 household products in the past 2 months
- Age 25 to 50yrs
- Male (5) & Female (5)
- BM speaking
Token : RM150.00
Group B (Thurs, 6/1/11 at 8.30pm)
- Must have homes in Mutiara Damansara, Kota Damansara, Damansara Perdana, Desa Park City, Bandar Utama. (own home not parents or rented)
- House value equal or more than RM 300,000.00 - Bungalow(2),Semi-D(2),Terrace(3), Condo (3)
- Mixture of new homeowners (6 months or less) & old homeowners (stayed more than 6 months)
- Spent a min of RM 150.00 on household products in the past 2 months
- Purchased at least 3 household products in the past 2 months
- Age 25 to 50yrs
- Male (5) & Female (5)
- BM speaking
Token : RM200.00
It doesn't matter what the occupation is as there is no income control, however, please do ensure that
They are really homeowners and not renting homes or living in their parents' homes.
The names may be forwarded immediately for screening
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Jalan-jalan tgk X-Mas shopping kat 1Utama
Dulu dulu 1Utama ni faveret hang out saya... dr dia satu building ajer, hingga la skarang dah ader new wing, old wing.... hangpa habaq apa kedai nak, mostly aku ingat location dier (kot)... but skarang jarang bebenor nak pi... stakat asyik2 pi Tesco beli susu, pampers, ayam..etc.....
Anyways, nak jadi ceriter, plan mender lain jadi mender lain.. kitaorg pon pergi 1Utama ni, dapat ler tgk mcm mcm deco X-Mas depa buat... mcm small township depa buat kat Old Wing tu... masalahnyer, semua depa letak booth makeup... Laura Mercier, Bobbi Brown, Kiehl's etc.... tension aku... untok mengelakkan rasa tergoda.. aku cepat2 jalan tak berenti.. takot terbeli swipe card laaaagi....
Anyways, nak jadi ceriter, plan mender lain jadi mender lain.. kitaorg pon pergi 1Utama ni, dapat ler tgk mcm mcm deco X-Mas depa buat... mcm small township depa buat kat Old Wing tu... masalahnyer, semua depa letak booth makeup... Laura Mercier, Bobbi Brown, Kiehl's etc.... tension aku... untok mengelakkan rasa tergoda.. aku cepat2 jalan tak berenti.. takot terbeli swipe card laaaagi....
Cantek kan pokok X Mas nih? Ni baju yg aku beli aritu utk event Vaseline aritu... featured in MSN lifestyle lagi u! |
Biasa la amik gambaq muka jer dpt bcoz pegang camera sendiri.... anak2 tak reti tolong snap2 lagi |
Ini Pak Arab selamba ajer grab anak2 aku bergamba ngan dier |
Susah aku nak hamik gamba they all nicely as they kept jumping up & down the stage |
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Brown Velvet Cake - Ada ka resipi mcm ni?
Monday, December 20, 2010
Elier's Makeup Case - STAGE Cosmetics SALE & Experience

Salesperson/Beauty Consultant yang hampes & males (based on Tropicana City Outlet only) ....
MY GOD.... why can't they invest in better quality workforce? Sucks betol la... If u guys pi high end makeup counter like Bobbi Brown, Estee Lauder or Chanel... layanan depa mmg best. Aku paling sayang beauty consultant Estee kat 1Utama new Wing... depa akan layan korang walaupon korang tak beli & amik 3 jam dudok kat situ test barang. They all akan advise & even give u extra goodies. Kadang2 dr 1 benda nak beli jadi 5 terus... bcoz hebatnyer sales skill & INTERPERSONAL SKILL depa. Korang tak terasa bagai depa ni salesgal yg just nak juai barang... rasa mcm kawan.
But my experience in STAGE? AKu rasa WATSON or Guardian salesperson lagi dedicated... Hairan sunggoh aku.... lansong tak berusaha nak push barang, dudok blkg counter berborak... layan customer mcm aku tgh tawar ikan kat pasar... "tada unton...tada unton punya" .... what is this man??
Langsong tak push ppl join their loyalty program... Senyum pon payah/tak ikhlas, kaloh org pakai botox.
SO anyway.. this lil things can make/break buying decisions... like changing outlet or even brand. So, u guys kalo ader own biz, make sure ur salesperson ada interpersonal skill... bukan mcm kayu berdiri.
So, review pulok.... 1st kita tgk apa product yang best ;
1) Compact Foundation (Photo Pro) - HEBAT. Value for money... lastin & natural... sesuai utuk aku yg kulit melayu. Tidak menambahkan jerawat.
2) Liquid Photo Pro - Yang ni baru beli, baru test separoh muka (see pic below, aku tak makeup full face) ... boleh la... but staying power blom tahu...
3) Lip Liner - OK, their nude/skin color tones not bad... lasting juga.
4) Lipstick - OK, warna2 lembot... but stayin power blom tahu...
1) Eyeshadow - Pigment kureng... kalo org puteh mcm Rosalyna Wee tu ok la... kulit melayu ni.... agak 'natural' la hasilnya.... so, I'm not for it. Nyesei beli sampai dua...
2) Concealer Mate - masih ada creasing... but then, Bobbi Brown aku beli pon creasing gak... from pic, u can see coverage dia tak full sgt. Masih nampak tired.
3) Loose Powder - agak kurang fine... berat when u first put it on.
Skarang ni, wish list aku from them is :
1) More lipstick
2) Lipgloss
3) Primer
For your info, STAGE is having 50% off their cosmetics! Kalo member, plus extra 30%.... aku malas nak promote, sbb kecewa ngan salesperson depa... but barang baik mesti share info ngan member kan?
Wish List Linda ....
Salam everyone .... are u like me? Jenis kalo ada kehendak, mesti ditunaikan? Kalo ader mender aku nak, di kala tu gak rasa nak pi beli/buat/ambil? Or at least, kalo dah ader dlm pala mesti la kena 'jadi'..cuma soal lambat or cepat....
Dulu ada gaji sendiri, mmg suka ati kita la nak planning budget beli itu ini... but skarang, aku tak boleh ler suka ati hentam belanja x hingat donia.... nonetheless, kita bersyukor. Alhamdulillah, kan?
Now, skarang ni.. antara menda yg masih tak terselesai is :
1) Nak reupholster furniture .... dah lama aku nak tuko leather yg usang dicakar arwah kucing aku, Lady ... & yg masih idop but dibela mak aku, si Coco.... diconteng 2 ekor budak notty.... BUT, aku masih mencari tang mana nak buat? Tang mana murah tp workmanship eloks? Aku suka teak & wood furniture... pada aku lagi tahan dr IKEA punya sofa...
2) Nak beli property landed.... dah ader anak yg kian membesor ni, aku makin sedaq betapa bosan dudok atas kayangan ni... so, la ni harga property makin mahai.... giler aper umah lama teres kat area KD sampai 1 million lebih? Kalo ikot perasaan, aku suka mansion lama2 esp zaman kolonial kat Penang tu.... lagi satu, mansion sebelah ZOUK tu (but dah tak der, depa buat parking lot, siol kan?) There's just sumthing romantic & exciting about old houses... they're big & unique.... & kalo korang perasan... mana ada wall or ceiling crack? Sturdy giler the foundation! Hang tgk umah kita la ni.... jap jer dah ader hairline crack....
3) Nak rambot panjang.... korang percaya tak aku ni tak pernah simpan rambot panjang2.... setakat takat bahu jer... then mesti nak kerat.... tak tahan la.... rambot jenis curly ni payoh nak maintain... & aku mmg jenis tak reti dandan rambot.... so dr kecik, remaja sampai skarang... everyday is a bad hair day....
Ok la.... aku sebenarnyer, tak leh tido.... so kemas umah.... still tak leh tido.... so layan blogging la....
Dulu ada gaji sendiri, mmg suka ati kita la nak planning budget beli itu ini... but skarang, aku tak boleh ler suka ati hentam belanja x hingat donia.... nonetheless, kita bersyukor. Alhamdulillah, kan?
Now, skarang ni.. antara menda yg masih tak terselesai is :
1) Nak reupholster furniture .... dah lama aku nak tuko leather yg usang dicakar arwah kucing aku, Lady ... & yg masih idop but dibela mak aku, si Coco.... diconteng 2 ekor budak notty.... BUT, aku masih mencari tang mana nak buat? Tang mana murah tp workmanship eloks? Aku suka teak & wood furniture... pada aku lagi tahan dr IKEA punya sofa...
2) Nak beli property landed.... dah ader anak yg kian membesor ni, aku makin sedaq betapa bosan dudok atas kayangan ni... so, la ni harga property makin mahai.... giler aper umah lama teres kat area KD sampai 1 million lebih? Kalo ikot perasaan, aku suka mansion lama2 esp zaman kolonial kat Penang tu.... lagi satu, mansion sebelah ZOUK tu (but dah tak der, depa buat parking lot, siol kan?) There's just sumthing romantic & exciting about old houses... they're big & unique.... & kalo korang perasan... mana ada wall or ceiling crack? Sturdy giler the foundation! Hang tgk umah kita la ni.... jap jer dah ader hairline crack....
3) Nak rambot panjang.... korang percaya tak aku ni tak pernah simpan rambot panjang2.... setakat takat bahu jer... then mesti nak kerat.... tak tahan la.... rambot jenis curly ni payoh nak maintain... & aku mmg jenis tak reti dandan rambot.... so dr kecik, remaja sampai skarang... everyday is a bad hair day....
Ok la.... aku sebenarnyer, tak leh tido.... so kemas umah.... still tak leh tido.... so layan blogging la....
Friday, December 17, 2010
What's for Lunch? Udang Goreng Kunyit And Bread Pudding
Ntah kenapa these few days mcm kemalasan nak masak2...
So, masak pon ala kadar jer.... Terserlah pada gamba tu kecincaian masakan saya.... Cook pon ader mood, bila x der mood... masakan pon mcm budok remaje baru balik skoloh.... But biler rajin, takder hujan ribut pon masak beria-ria. Makan berdua jerr.....
2011 dah nak menjelang...
genap 2 tahon aku jadi housewife.. work from home mom....
2 tahon aku tak kalot bersolek di kala awal pagi untuk ke ofis...
2 tahon aku tak mengharong jam pagi nak pi kerja (kurang tensen)
2 tahon aku tak menyumpah Tol Damansara.... & sedaerah..
2 tahon aku tak asyik tgk jam bila nak lunch hour... Lapaq!
2 tahon aku tak fenin2 gelabah rusa cari access card masok ofis...
tetiba rindu ofismate lama......
So, masak pon ala kadar jer.... Terserlah pada gamba tu kecincaian masakan saya.... Cook pon ader mood, bila x der mood... masakan pon mcm budok remaje baru balik skoloh.... But biler rajin, takder hujan ribut pon masak beria-ria. Makan berdua jerr.....
2011 dah nak menjelang...
genap 2 tahon aku jadi housewife.. work from home mom....
2 tahon aku tak kalot bersolek di kala awal pagi untuk ke ofis...
2 tahon aku tak mengharong jam pagi nak pi kerja (kurang tensen)
2 tahon aku tak menyumpah Tol Damansara.... & sedaerah..
2 tahon aku tak asyik tgk jam bila nak lunch hour... Lapaq!
2 tahon aku tak fenin2 gelabah rusa cari access card masok ofis...
tetiba rindu ofismate lama......
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
What's for lunch? Oyster Chicken With Mushroom & Japanese Tofu
Dalam usaha memupuk makan malam bersama keluarga dari kecil, aku downgrade dining table ke makan di meja study Juhaini yg kecik kotet tu.. siap lapik surat kabor lagi mcm pergi piknik pulok...
Perasan tak, pinggan aku kecik... pinggan Cong besor?
Perasan tak, pinggan aku kecik... pinggan Cong besor?
Sayoq2 yang ready standby nak masok kuali dgn rela |
Ayam Masak Oyster With Mushroom & Japanese Tofu |
Monday, December 13, 2010
Genuine Micheal KORS, FURLA Handbags For SALE!
It is time for shopping!!
Firstly, these are pre-loved handbags that belongs to my sis.... trust me, she is a handbag lover, handles it like babies! Most of these comes from abroad order, some has their original pricetag lagi... some are so lightly used (special occasion jer bawak kuar) ..they look brand new!
So, forgive me as I tak brapa pandai amik gamba... becoz the bags really look cantik than in this picture, so IF you are really interested nak beli, viewing can be arrange... so u can belek2 dulu before decide...
Firstly, these are pre-loved handbags that belongs to my sis.... trust me, she is a handbag lover, handles it like babies! Most of these comes from abroad order, some has their original pricetag lagi... some are so lightly used (special occasion jer bawak kuar) ..they look brand new!
So, forgive me as I tak brapa pandai amik gamba... becoz the bags really look cantik than in this picture, so IF you are really interested nak beli, viewing can be arrange... so u can belek2 dulu before decide...
Updates :
1. Micheal KORS Snakeskin SOLD
Original price was USD395 .. now sale only RM350! |
Original Price USD495, now only RM500 |
Furla Italy USD596, now only RM650 |
Saturday, December 11, 2010
X-periment With Fake Lashes ( with Koji Eyelash Fix )
Hari tu aku make up pengantin, my sis ader belikan few extra fake lashes dari butik make up artist Kelrina House Of Fashion kat Shah Alam.... yang aku pesan takder, so she bought few different ones for me... Thanks Sis!
So aku experiment la dgn application, glue with the most dramatic false eyelash tu.. RM10 no.1042 .... Glue from Jepon dia aku beli online, from Michelle Chuah (owner Supermodel's Secrets) ... pon muroh RM13 jer... byk mende peralatan beauty 'enhancement' yg menarik kat situ ... aku pon terpegun ada seluaq dlm padded utk kasi ponggong nampak montoks. Ini kot dok Kim Kardashan pakai....
Bulu mata aku mmg sangat haluih.... selama ni aku pakai mascara Estee Lauder jer... then sejak brenti kerja..aku dwngrade beli Maybeline botoi kunen tu je... Kali terakhir aku pakai fake lashes was on my wedding day.... that was 5 years ago.... So, ni tgh nak asah skil balik laa.... Hasilnya....? See below, OK tak? Aku tringin nak pakai contact lens kaler-kaler mcm Tengku S dok pakai... tapi astig aku too high... tak sesuai kata optician tu.... apo nak buekkk..... kita maintain mata org Melayu lahhh...!
testing new stuff,
Friday, December 10, 2010
My 1st Red Velvet Cake Mission ...
The 1st time I tasted the Red Velvet cake, was at my best friend's birthday celebration. Mona's husband bought this expensive RM90 bucks cake from sumwhere from heaven....(the shop's name is sumthing like that) .... anyway, it tasted SO DAMN GOOD! I was in love & determine to make my own.
I googled around, to find the best & simplest recipe... my friend, Mai recommended Joy Of Baking Recipe ... I also, found a simple guided recipe from Model 80an Recipe & lastly this blogger's mother in law recipe
So, aku follow 3 resipi ni.... the outcome of the cake was superb!! Texture lembot, sedap... now I know why they call it red VELVET! I lessen the sugar, substitute with brown sugar.... I didn't have red color, so guna pink food coloring ajer.. I really would mind making juz the cake again! Seriously!
But, aku kurang puas hati & the cream cheese frosting... dah la mahal mascarpone cheese tu (RM19/250gm) ... the taste OK, tapi the consistency was slightly runny, made covering the cake a messy job! Several reason could be becoz I lesses the icing sugar... u see, icing sugar will stiffen the frosting. But I tk suka manis sangat.... I should have lessen the whipping cream as well.
So, here's the pics....
Aku nak la hias grand grand skit, mlm tadi dah plan nak buat butterfly kecik2 kaler pink... tapi my hubby this morning nak cepat pi ofis... so ni jer la sempat.... & of course, dia tak bagi aku hias.. takot hodoh ler tu... tension aku, baru excited nak buat butterfly pinkkk!!
I googled around, to find the best & simplest recipe... my friend, Mai recommended Joy Of Baking Recipe ... I also, found a simple guided recipe from Model 80an Recipe & lastly this blogger's mother in law recipe
So, aku follow 3 resipi ni.... the outcome of the cake was superb!! Texture lembot, sedap... now I know why they call it red VELVET! I lessen the sugar, substitute with brown sugar.... I didn't have red color, so guna pink food coloring ajer.. I really would mind making juz the cake again! Seriously!
But, aku kurang puas hati & the cream cheese frosting... dah la mahal mascarpone cheese tu (RM19/250gm) ... the taste OK, tapi the consistency was slightly runny, made covering the cake a messy job! Several reason could be becoz I lesses the icing sugar... u see, icing sugar will stiffen the frosting. But I tk suka manis sangat.... I should have lessen the whipping cream as well.
So, here's the pics....
Aku nak la hias grand grand skit, mlm tadi dah plan nak buat butterfly kecik2 kaler pink... tapi my hubby this morning nak cepat pi ofis... so ni jer la sempat.... & of course, dia tak bagi aku hias.. takot hodoh ler tu... tension aku, baru excited nak buat butterfly pinkkk!!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Aktivity Hilang Bosan With D Kids
Actually aku nak upload post untuk branded handbags for sale tuu.... tapi I need to consult my sis for mre info.... korang tunggu ya..... gaji tu simpan bebaikk, buat shopping...
You know zaman I kecik dulu, ada jer activity best nak buat... bila dok kenang balik la... & when I see my kids dok asyik melangut tgk TV kat umah... kesian bebenor.... mcm no life or adventure langsong.... So, here's some of the stuff we did together bersama untuk menghilangkan kematu bontot yg asyik terbaring dpn TV.
Akhir sekali, kita main star wars sambil tgk rainbow.... jgn bagi depa katok each other plaks.... Conpem mlm karang depa tidoq lena..... boleh la sang parent buat activity lain........ mmmm....
You know zaman I kecik dulu, ada jer activity best nak buat... bila dok kenang balik la... & when I see my kids dok asyik melangut tgk TV kat umah... kesian bebenor.... mcm no life or adventure langsong.... So, here's some of the stuff we did together bersama untuk menghilangkan kematu bontot yg asyik terbaring dpn TV.
Mula2, bangun pagi... campak budak2 breakfast Mc Donalds & grandparents.... lantak depa main dlm playground jap.... then baru mkn... kita pulak refill kopi Arabica sampai 3 round.... bila pikiaq2... lagi murah dr lepak kat restoren mamak Subaidah tu ... la ni, mkn breakfast kat mamak dah mahai wor!
Mc D breakfast with grandparents |
Then.... untuk memberikan experience mandi pagi yg berbeza...
Mandi bot |
kita letak bot getah kat depan rumah and isi bot tu dgn air .... bior depa mandi pueh.... soronok weiii! Kita yg tua ni pon rasa nak joint. .... siriyes!
Then later, mkn nasi pon nak dlm bot tuh... korang pretend la adventure ke mana2 nak berjalan ekspidisi cari alien di rumah nenek.... Imagination babe! Teropong adik, jgn tak teropong yer.....
Makan nasik dlm bot mencari Pirate Pulau Kendi (pedulikan rambot aku yg tak sikat tu) |
Buleh juga main2 buble kat luaq rumah.... careful jgn tergolek, kesan buih kat lantai ni agak slippery...
Main buih bersama aunt Jaja |
Star Wars (nobody was injured, kids play under adult supervision) |
Monday, December 6, 2010
Love Song For Him
I still owe myself an entry on how I fell in love with my hubby.... tp nak research dulu, I'm beginning to forget bit n pieces of it.... But to sum it up, I've found the perfect song to describe the 'moments' .. The original is in French... you can hear the song if u click at the right hand side play list OR see the Dalida version at youtube at this entry : La Vie En Rose (originally by Edith Piaf, but I like Dalida version better) .... If I could sing like Siti Nurhaliza, I would love to sing to my hubby on our wedding day (kalo buleh rewind balik ler) ... Ingat tak perasaan tatkala bercinta dolu2? Pergghh....... indescribable ecstacy!
I put both English & French lyric version.... my kids are tryng to sing this song, so mak pak kena blajaq dulu lahh....
(Credit to Thomas Keyes)
LA VIE EN ROSE (French Lyrics) Des yeux qui font baisser les miens,
Un rire qui se perd sur sa bouche—
Voilà le portrait sans retouche
De l’homme auquel j’appartiens.
Quand il me prend dans ses bras,
Il me parle tout bas,
Je vois la vie en rose.
Il me dit des mots d’amour,
Des mots de tous les jours,
Et ça me fait quelque chose.
Il est entré dans mon cœur,
Une part de bonheur
Dont je connais la cause.
C’est lui pour moi,
Moi pour lui dans la vie,
Il me l’a dit, l’a juré pour la vie.
Et dès que je l’aperçois,
Alors je sens en moi
Mon cœur qui bat.
Des nuits d’amour à plus finir,
Un grand bonheur qui prend sa place,
Les ennuis, les chagrins s’effacent,
Heureux, heureux à en mourir.
Quand il me prend dans ses bras,
Il me parle tout bas,
Je vois la vie en rose.
Il me dit des mots d’amour,
Des mots de tous les jours,
Et ça me fait quelque chose.
Il est entré dans mon cœur,
Une part de bonheur
Dont je connais la cause.
C’est lui pour moi,
Moi pour lui dans la vie,
Il me l’a dit, l’a juré pour la vie.
Et dès que je l’aperçois,
Alors je sens en moi
Mon cœur qui bat.
LA VIE EN ROSE (English translation) Eyes that gaze into mine,
A smile that is lost on his lips—
That is the unretouched portrait
Of the man to whom I belong.
When he takes me in his arms
And speaks softly to me,
I see life in rosy hues.
He tells me words of love,
Words of every day,
And in them I become something.
He has entered my heart,
A part of happiness
Whereof I understand the reason.
It’s he for me and I for him, throughout life,
He has told me, he has sworn to me, for life.
And from the things that I sense,
Now I can feel within me
My heart that beats.
In endless nights of love,
A great delight that comes about,
The pains and bothers are banished,
Happy, happy to die of love.
When he takes me in his arms
And speaks softly to me,
I see life in rosy hues.
He tells me words of love,
Words of every day,
And in them I become something.
He has entered my heart,
A part of happiness
Whereof I understand the reason.
It’s he for me and I for him, throughout life,
He has told me, he has sworn to me, for life.
And from the things that I sense,
Now I can feel within me
My heart that beats.
Isn't it beautiful, folks?
I put both English & French lyric version.... my kids are tryng to sing this song, so mak pak kena blajaq dulu lahh....
(Credit to Thomas Keyes)
LA VIE EN ROSE (French Lyrics) Des yeux qui font baisser les miens,
Un rire qui se perd sur sa bouche—
Voilà le portrait sans retouche
De l’homme auquel j’appartiens.
Quand il me prend dans ses bras,
Il me parle tout bas,
Je vois la vie en rose.
Il me dit des mots d’amour,
Des mots de tous les jours,
Et ça me fait quelque chose.
Il est entré dans mon cœur,
Une part de bonheur
Dont je connais la cause.
C’est lui pour moi,
Moi pour lui dans la vie,
Il me l’a dit, l’a juré pour la vie.
Et dès que je l’aperçois,
Alors je sens en moi
Mon cœur qui bat.
Des nuits d’amour à plus finir,
Un grand bonheur qui prend sa place,
Les ennuis, les chagrins s’effacent,
Heureux, heureux à en mourir.
Quand il me prend dans ses bras,
Il me parle tout bas,
Je vois la vie en rose.
Il me dit des mots d’amour,
Des mots de tous les jours,
Et ça me fait quelque chose.
Il est entré dans mon cœur,
Une part de bonheur
Dont je connais la cause.
C’est lui pour moi,
Moi pour lui dans la vie,
Il me l’a dit, l’a juré pour la vie.
Et dès que je l’aperçois,
Alors je sens en moi
Mon cœur qui bat.
LA VIE EN ROSE (English translation) Eyes that gaze into mine,
A smile that is lost on his lips—
That is the unretouched portrait
Of the man to whom I belong.
When he takes me in his arms
And speaks softly to me,
I see life in rosy hues.
He tells me words of love,
Words of every day,
And in them I become something.
He has entered my heart,
A part of happiness
Whereof I understand the reason.
It’s he for me and I for him, throughout life,
He has told me, he has sworn to me, for life.
And from the things that I sense,
Now I can feel within me
My heart that beats.
In endless nights of love,
A great delight that comes about,
The pains and bothers are banished,
Happy, happy to die of love.
When he takes me in his arms
And speaks softly to me,
I see life in rosy hues.
He tells me words of love,
Words of every day,
And in them I become something.
He has entered my heart,
A part of happiness
Whereof I understand the reason.
It’s he for me and I for him, throughout life,
He has told me, he has sworn to me, for life.
And from the things that I sense,
Now I can feel within me
My heart that beats.
Isn't it beautiful, folks?
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